Lina's AppleTree Babies
25 days ago

You have Voted and Decided and so Here it is!

My AppleTrees Game-Page so you can watch my AppleTree Babys with me ^^

Thank you all for voting and I hope your going to enjoy this journey with me

Little bit of Story down below ^^

So this isn't my first time trying to plant apple trees.
I always been trying to plant my own apple tree but it never work out.
Back in Berlin there was a little mud hole in the ground I always played with, in that hole I planted my apple trees.
I'm guessing that :
1. those seeds weren't usable for seeding &
2. since I always played in that mud hole and didn't understand how plants work that I probably didn't even give them a change to grow.
but now that I'm older I know a lot more and research if I don't know or am unsure about something.

Cheek out the Lina's AppleTree babys Game-Page

Cheek out the Plants&Gardens Community

Here is the Poll

#AppleTree #AppleTrees #AppleTreeBaby #AppleTreeBabys #Tree #Trees #BabyTree #BabyTrees #Seed #Seeds #AppleTreeSeed #AppleTreeSeeds #2024 #LinaWorker



Next up

now that my phone all charged up, have the photos I tryd to shoot interestingly to make the post seem more interesting and get more people interested in my little project

When I remember or someone reminds me I edited this post later today

Good thing I didn't start with the Hedgehog XD

God damn I didn't expect that, cool ^^

Guess who I'm reworking!

The heads a little wonky but I think I can make it work, I probably should have also made the butt a little bigger ^^" you see her body is EVERY Modified, and none the less I gave her a belly lul

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?

My plant babies UwU

all looking good other then pot 4....

So! I repoted them into smaler pots with the correct dirt in it since the dirt that was in that pot before was dirt nothing extra in it other then air stuff for plants

100% not for my Trees

Finally opened a shop on Spoonflower for a couple people who wanted some of my ol' cat patterns on fabrics, so I'll be making more designs for that on occasion (really enjoy it).

Here's one I made yesterday in Krita with a couple variations.

writing this post a second time T^T

I'm so so so Sorry!!! Those are Yesterdays (24.06.2024) Pictures and I DIDN'T MAKE ANY FOR TODAY!!! T^T oh and pictures made with my sisters phone

24.06.2024 25.06.2024

Remember when I wrote that I repotted pot5 a bit shirtless, yeah that's me lul XD only wearing my sports bra because I'm in my garden meaning I can do what I want. If I want to walk around butt free I'm free to do so lul (I'm german)

Today I saw these flowers unknown to me. I found them quite beautiful. 🌸

I think I just figured out that I really wanna make more outfit designs ^^"

That's why I'm redesigning Jessy Mils and am now Designing a Dress for Marliria Tsuru ^^"

I'm Probably gonna leave them as designs tho ^^" and maybe a bit of practice lul