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Hey Everyone! It's raining a lot right now but right before it rained I took some pictures of my Baby AppleTrees. I have some bad information and some good information about my Trees and I'm making this post because I can't post the photos yet

I'm so sorry for having to post my trees late again but I didn't get the posts ready and feel asleep

Look mom got me tiny pots for my AppleTrees. ^^ the ones that are already in their pots will stay in said pots tho.

Today would be the day I'm meant to take them all out of the fridge but they every small still so I will wait a bit.


Wish there was a Water/Fish based PostBackground

Anyways I'm watching two boys from my class fishing right now lul

So far they almost would have catch a fish first try but then they lost it

They lost two fish catching thingys lul and catch 0 fish so yeah

You have Voted and Decided and so Here it is!

My AppleTrees Game-Page so you can watch my AppleTree Babys with me ^^

Thank you all for voting and I hope your going to enjoy this journey with me

Little bit of Story down below ^^