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Here is the #80s #Design of me #LinaWorker

I hope you enjoy the design, even so I defenetly Gotta work on it again incase I draw this version of myself in the future

#Traditionalart #PencilDrawing #CharacterDesign #80sDesign #Persona #Girl #SketchBook

So I tryd to do one of those Drawing Based thingys where your meant to draw yourself in diffrent styles.

First picture was the one your going to draw in those different styles and i did this....

After that I didn't feel like trying that anymore

Happy New Year & a Hopefully Wunderfull Year!!!

for the new year I finally got to draw Me, "FanGirl" and [Name Unknown] which I'm every happy about.

Here is my #Christmas #pfp ^^
I hope you all like it, I'm PrettyHappy with it, and I got to add #NewDesign Ideas of mine + the #Winter #Design of me
Might still change stuff later on but that just the classic in #CharacterDesign

Skeleton me and the River Person for #Joltober2023 theme #Skeleton

Tra la la. I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?

#RiverPerson #Undertale #UndertaleOC #LinaWorker