1 year ago

"you keep lying to yourself thinking it will do anything but all it does is pause your grief"



Next up

Bad writting show huehuehue

Gumball better

DEFEAT - Album Art Recreated & Uploaded to SoundCloud.

Link in the article...

"I think you already know where this is going so let's skip to the end."

NINTH ATTACK πŸ¦πŸ¦β€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈπŸ’₯πŸ’₯

about time

Art Fight 2024 - Drawing Dirt Eater in 60 Seconds or Less

Here's the quick process of drawing @TockaKatze 's OC! Took me around 3 days of work? I worked on this simultaneously with the previous animated attack.

i just noticed this one animation error

where gumball tries to throw the trash in the trashcan, and accidentally hit the purple deer guy