Beat Saber
Post about Beat Saber!

Beat Sabers favorite song

If there’s at least two people that’re also in ranking, here’s my BeatLeader stats to prove that I’m legit


ok hi again

I did some more training and now I can do this

I might re-do so I can get A rank next time

ok byebye again


It’s been a minute since I used the quest 2’s super heavy controllers

Anyway, here’s what I think is the hardest song in beat saber right now

(I don’t find ghost as hard since it just requires really far swings and good rhythm)


Alan Walker makes the best songs


I apparently did ANOTHER thing

seriously, I will truly never understand how THIS is 11.44 stars, yet the luminiency run I last did wasn't


I felt like being will smith today


would to look at that, I did a thhththth that’s 9 stars

Stars, as in how difficult the map is

For me, 8 stars and below is the stupidly easy expert+ maps

Now, not all 9 star maps are hard, but this one took my soul away


I have a halloween thing that's before halloween (beat saber)

I did the run a few weeks ago, so that's wicked


Leauge of legends got beats