Post about Lisa!

"It's High Noon..."
Update 0.2.0
Old saves should work
And so should Achievements

The butterfly effect is one hell of a drug.
This weekend...

if you're playing a game in the mkxp version (aka the one with smaller text)
open up the "mkxp.conf" file and edit this line to true so you can press F12 to restart your game just like you would in the Game.exe version

Small update to Charlotte and this Simon's sprites. i a little bit busy with school stuff

I just asked myself a question about what the Undone florist's dialogue would be like with other protagonists from other fan games. And what flowers would They choose?

yeah i can see why people didn't like definitive edition, it's not fun when you have to do a one tile jump for the mystery jerky or attempt a one tile vertical jump for the domestic jerky

And before going to dinner my Sandwich
Here's something.
A funny idea I had
*Here today in the last fight for the champion belt of the Wild Fighters Tournament*
*¡Simon Vs Mike!*
Postscript:Mike Wins for being a better fighter than Simon

This Simon is already being worked on his combat style I plan to have the possibility of the following two combo styles in his introduction
Mixed style (Choice in the intro/Mixed style scrolls from a side quest)
Friday style