Post about Lisa!

As the 700th member of the Lisa community in GameJolt, I present to you Terence Greenhorn from SotWS in different uniforms.
Used sprite from Fate/Pointless Requiem by OphiuchusOwl.

Yo Yo Yo! Your boys got another special update for you all before the new year to make sure that the message is known. “I’ve gotten far but there’s always room for improvement”. With a secret new party member added in the swamp for you all to find!

Progress report updated + newssss
Ho ho ho, its Christmas for me in my local area...

Hey hey! I'll probably update the game some time soon! So uhh... Yeah

The Last post of this year: "Zein Ka's Equivalent" New Outpost Underconstruction (WIP)

Great news everyone, The game got a long needed update! Status effects now have descriptions and Joel has had his selection of gear expanded! All magnums equipped to Joel also give him the ability to shoot at the cost of no reloads. One step at a time.