Post about Lisa!

Mess with the bull, you get the *ahahahaha*

(4 of 5)

First progress report of the year! Wahoo!


That was some b-b-bad soup...

Pro tip, do NOT try to exit a conversation before Yogurt is done talking to you!

(3 of 5)

Dispite my recent series of posts, I’ve had a friend help me out this time with the update. So here’s what they came up with and more in the game. I’ve been told by my friends I should take a break, I agree so that’s what I’m gonna do, see y’all later.


Hold up? YOGURT???

(2 of 5)


Yogurt helps the gang get their bearings...

But wait! That's not all! To show off an example of the many story-influencing options you'll see in Masterful, we'll be posting all five outcomes of this conversation over the next couple days

As the 700th member of the Lisa community in GameJolt, I present to you Terence Greenhorn from SotWS in different uniforms.
Used sprite from Fate/Pointless Requiem by OphiuchusOwl.


Something is coming...

Yo Yo Yo! Your boys got another special update for you all before the new year to make sure that the message is known. “I’ve gotten far but there’s always room for improvement”. With a secret new party member added in the swamp for you all to find!