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Is it possible to just accept your sins? 😇

#helltaker #azazel #angel #sin #drawing #art #digitalart

The whole gang.

From left to right .

Eyelo, Zydeiav(The dragon), Azazelo(😴), Simple Zel, Mirya(The girl next to the Sleeping Azazel), Gabrielo(tired ASF) and Mirthaelo(with only his head out lol)

#art #ocart #traditionalart #Eyelogang #Azazel

SA. 24. “Greed Swirling from Zuzu's Wrath”


D - 1080x2220 - 4:29:25

Source: Photomanipulation

#SwirledAbstract #BindingofIsaac #Azazel #Zuzu #Greed

Fun fact about #Azazel

Azazel has a dark humor

like your dead grandpa