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โš ๏ธInjuriesโš ๏ธ

[2024 Remake]

Seeing the sight of Majin Sonic's fresh wounds and the blood, dripping from his nostrils and lip, provokes Lord X's wrath towards the red echidna.ย #sonicย #endlesscyclesย #lordxย #majinย #fanartย #artย #fanfiction


โš ๏ธInjuriesโš ๏ธ

Seeing the sight of Majin Sonic's fresh wounds and the blood, dripping from his nostrils and lip, provokes Lord X's wrath towards the red echidna. #sonic #endlesscycles #lordx #majin #fanart #art #fanfiction


this part made me go like: #fnf #music #video #meme #majin #Endeavors