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As of today, my first game, "Stranded" has officially been released. I have been anticipating this day since the time time I came close to completing it.

#interactivefiction #textadventure #trialanderror #visualnovel #adventure #pointandclick

Working on the project was a lot of fun, although, in the beginning, I wasn't sure what direction to go with it.

#books #stories #stories #storytelling #bookboost #textadventure #visualnovel #trialanderror #interactivefiction #adventure #pointandclick

It's a point-and-click game where you the player make choices that would determine the outcome of the story.

#visualnovel #adventure #pointandclick #interactivefiction #trialanderror #gamedevelopment #gamedev #digitalart #storytelling #fiction #bookboost

Attempting to add custom inventory system, not going too well #TrialAndError