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My New #GachaLife2 Character Designs + @Just_Trash in my Version & LinaWorker as @Just_Trash_Alt mainly because of the eyes, I don't really like LinaJTrash XD I feel like the design doesn't represent what it was meant to.

I made Hatters aka Panda @MichaelMayonnaise in #GachaLife2 with different versions

I forgot to make some pictures without hat and hair but oh well. I also feel like I made some other mistakes but oh well again

#Panda #PandaBoy #Furry #Cute #Gacha #GL2

Gacha characters based ofa songs. Btw you can guess the songs. #songs #music #gacha #gachalife #gachalife2 #gachalifetwo #gl2 #random


Freaks meme... (freaks by surf cruise) ft. @Arrows_Myth and @BCourtJester

#gacha #gl2
