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Okay, lets be real here for a second. @gamejolt isn't taking care of its own website. Why are people allowed to get onto gamejolt and post porn? There's many problems on Gamejolt and @gamejolt isn't doing anything about it.


I mean, I agree but, is there really any saving this site?

@gamejolt hasn't done anything about some of the bugs and haven't banned those users who've posted porn. It's been a reoccurring thing.

1… I have to agree 200% with this, some people are just going unhinged with ships, cringe, and even porn. Please, people, and please, @gamejolt , #SaveGJ

just telling you to use #StopThePermanentLogout instead of #SaveGJ because some of you are doing that

I don't pay attention to shit.

What happened this time for people to say #SaveGJ.