spriters in Sonic.exe



likes:Chocolate, relaxation, swimming in lava

Dislikes: Water

Well, it's been a while.

I didn't have much time to make games because I was busy with school.

But I'm slowly making them, so please wait.

The picture above is a sprite animation I made recently.

An unfinished Mother sprite that I forgot to post months ago

Place Sticker Here Or The Images

MAde a Sprite for Diablo/Drop & Roll

volcano valley sprite sheet ripped by me :3
(give credit if used)

i updated this sheet. (i added the stairs)


Once again I find myself in a situation where animating a walk cycle is driving me nuts

alr so ik many people want the original sonic.exe knuckles palette and here it is :3 i recolored this myself :3 and i added pink knuckles as well :3