ideas? Models to share? somethin to say? idk do whatever you want honestly...

Wolfs, Witches' and Demons

I made a title and more screens for repainted

idea for repainted for ink demon's death (original idea by @FoxT ) while he's dying he turns into into baby bendy concept bendy alpha bendy all the bendy designs he tries turning into beast bendy reaching out for your hand and then turns into dust

something something something

This community is amazing... JOIN IT TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to the official Bendy Repainted group...

the game

The only rules we have for this community are:

Post your stuff under the respective channels

  1. Respect the moderators and other users

  2. Do NOT beg to be a mod

  3. Do NOT spam

  4. DO NOT posts R34/NSFW

  5. No off-topic posts! Only post things related to the Bendy series. and REPAINTED

  6. Be nice!

Fail to follow the rules will result in a block


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