News in The AHaR official community

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Update on the situation

Some bad news, again...

uh oh...

I think it's about time I gave someone a prominent role.

also if you're wondering, I've removed the links to the discord server since it isn't very active, but if by popular demand I may make a new one at some point. more on v1.5 to come

What could this be...

I know I said I'd be taking a break from this to work on something else, but I can't seem to make my mind up. oh well!

I've thought of other things to add/change over time so it'll be version 1.5 instead of 1.2, more will come

MERRY CHRISTMAS! + Demo 2 is back


I now have a deviantart page which I made about a week ago and I'll be uploading some of the development sketches from this game on there. i've just uploaded the one for the office.

here is the link to my account:

just a quick note

owo what's this

endless night isn't the only thing I am adding so you know. have a w.i.p. preview of the new pichu's stage - it's the same design as before but slightly better and more 3d-looking, if you know what I mean

Where have I been... again?

more in article below