More Stuff... in Berllunity!

Share your thoughts here pal! :D

hello eveeryone, i forgot to talk about what my producers & animators rewards will be. once the work is done, (also judging from the work's quality) the reward'll be robux, the average is usually 100. but this number could go up or down. btw gtg buh bye!!

In 6 months or even less, we are officially finally going to get "Bendy: The Cage"!

just postd smth on my community tab on youtube, you might go check it out.. you can find my yt in my pinned post btw or just search berlez.

hi guyss, hru all?? i'm ere today to just sai that.. (check article)

Mike D. is fucking killing hundreds of games with his "bendy fangames rules". i swear, if my new game didn't have the custom models & a title without "Bendy", i'd have had to cancel that game too. hopefully, it's safe, for now.

thank you blud,@DroneProductions appreciate you fr fr 🔥

gah dayum. 1,500 followers, i need those both on yt and gj 🗣️


man i really do love capcut.

blud just summoned ww3 🗣️🔥😭🤦.

(wtf did he do?)


ya'll i'm cookin' here 🔥