What are you waiting for, share your creations!

Read the image
(The game is on Roblox)
(Don't worry for the other games.. They are still in development, slow, but safely)
1. No hate towards anyone(Bullying)
2. No inappropriate comments/post
3. No spreading false information
4. Just don't be a Karen towards things
5. Don't come up to me and beg to become an admin
6. Don’t frame people for things they did not do

Howdy guys! Quite recently I got the idea to make my own horror game in roblox. But for this I need: a Scripters (0/2) 3D Builders/modellers (1/2) Animator (0/1) and also a Texture artist (0/1). (I'm a concept artist, btw) !CHECK THE COMMENTS!

(REPOST) Roblox Wind System is pretty nuts. Also, sorry for the lag on the video. I had to use Roblox Recording System cause OBS wont let the grass move.