General in Artcore_Japan's Community

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I found a Path in the Outskirts. Where it would lead to?

Her house is surrounded by lovely trees, isn’t it?

Loka Zonzini's House.

At least Zetta knows she thought she could stop by and bring the main character coffee.

Very Seriously Good.

It's 6:00 AM? No way (Well, in the game, it's 6:00 AM).

Sprunkled Potion: It heals your ally, but beware—it's got a few quirky side effects.

Cheers to healing with a twist!

Yes, that was a funny description i came with for a "Potion".

Here is a good quality game, it's called "Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar".

It is developed by Cleveland Mark Blakemore and published by Golden Era Games.

Did Zeno's Conscience have been adapted into a Film? Well, it did...

Only in the game.

You can return the Gamebook, if you want to. But, at least either having or not the gamebook is a good thing.

I think that Loka needs to get up now, don't she?