All Posts in Blender

Share your 3D Art!

Been gone for a while
yeah, i guess i should've stayed quiet instead of being ignorant.
I made this while i was offline
Not too real but at least is looks cool.

If you guys can do a remake of these characters that's actually good and not lazy and crappy, then you can have 2 of the models from this game early

If anyone is willing to take on the challenge on doing Oblitus Casa Suicide Squidward (the hoax character) in Blender, go ahead


I made dis I think


Thank you for over 1500 followers!!!

Haven't made one of these in a while, but I decided to make this short animation in Blender to celebrate!


First Post! And it's a Showcase Video for almost everyone you can expect to appear in the game.



Some Unreal test stuff, still gotta fix a good few things :)

Shoutout to @N1ceNToasty for helping me import the animation and helping me fix some texture glitches!

Does anyone know how to make the hair particles mirror correctly?

ENG: Tattered Rocky is ready! Oliver, Olivia and the Rat King are next in line, I promise you should like it

RU: Изодранный Рокки готов! Следующие на очереди Оливер, Оливия и Крысиный Король, обещаю вам должно понравиться