#MadeWithFusion in Official Clickteam Community

Share your creations!

yo, wassap

i've got a game that i've just cooked
consider following it because i am very proud of it

I've updated the Game Description with some cool new info!

I've also added 2 soundtracks you guys can put in your playlists, or something!


День 5-6, и я ничё не успеваю. Вот последняя обнова, за эти 2 дня

Day 5-6, and I can't get anything done. Here's the latest update 4 these 2 days #gamedev #clickteam #devlog #ClickteamFusion


The character will hang out in their room.

If their mood is less than 50, they'll get angry.

The Affection Pass feature is basically completed & I'm currently working on the Character Profiles.

There will be a Shop added, where you can buy snacks for the characters to keep them happy and the like


Делаю игру день 4. Я не смог записать день 3 так как нужно было учиться. Самое главное: я сделал плавную камеру.

Making the game day 4. I couldn't record day 3 because I had to study. The most important thing: I made a smooth camera. #gamedev #clickteam

Made this for fun :D (you can use it however you want it)

working hard on the game right now... i want to participate in the luigikid challenge. (who doesn't know luigikid is a youtuber who plays exe games and makes videos with games)

btw im really tired and im doing the game late at night. but i love it

This is random but I went back and updated the engine used to make a few of my games like the last game "Tempo Temple Chaos"

I made it so the other playable character now has a co-op player and also made a version to have Dolly and Val now team up.


