general in Alicia fan community!

Share your creations!

Out of the five main characters of Madoka Magica, who is Alicia most similar to in personality?

I'm getting references for Alicia (character featured in @LUKELCS 's community) because IT'S TIME TO DRAW!

Btw I’m still planning on doing an Alicia art for womans day, it’ll just have to be after @NightshiftFangames

So it’ll be pretty late lol

Just found out it's women's day.

Looks like I have no excuse but to draw a woman today.

I hope I can find time to draw a woman today.

You know which one woman I want to draw today. 😉

Who's Alicia? (I know it's the girl featured in the community. I'm asking in general.)

1.5k follower Q&A Stream starting now!

Come join (if you're interested)

We've got Game News, Art, and my definitive opinion on Cheese!

Q&A Stream at 8pm Eastern Standard!

Be there! (if you want to) ^,^

Game News and Art Stream will also be present ^.^

For reaching 1.5k, what about a Q&A?

Give me questions and I’ll answer them all on stream. we might do another activity on stream as well! ^.^

Leave questions in the comments.

Finally re-decorated this community

Because the way it looked sucked

so it sucks less now ^.^

Why tf did I ever think this was cute??? 😳