general in >Dormitabis

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Eng: Development of night 10 and 11 was started.

Рус: Разработка 10 и 11 ночи началась.

News about trilogy will be discussed here:

"You will suffer forever, John"


If anyone is interested in working on Trilogy, we need:

-An environmental modeler.

-An animatronic modeler.

Know that this project will NOT get cancelled so don’t worry about your work possibly getting scrapped.

FYI: BitHell is not involved

Dormitabis remastered is same as original game, the zero hour (known as Dormitabis remaster) but other team did cut it

@Blackout1912 /Nicchi's return (please link this post now for people read it)


#spawnday Here's an OLD ass Dormitabis Remastered 2.0 menu concept and loading screen. This was pre-gateway and around the time when it wasn't even a trilogy yet. I won't release any of the more recent Gateway stuff (Ex. Stuff from a month or 2 ago)

Is that @Nocturnum ?

He was one of @Blackout1912 /nicchi's former/old friends who first send him a friend request from past

My Social Media! Follow me if you want! I will post some stuff to social media that I’m not really on!

fritz smitz