All Posts in Five Nights at Sonic's (Official GameJolt Community)

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~ "Oh, Hi O.O ! That's a dreadful smile! Sheesh!" ~ WIP
+ A small design correction for Withered Sonic "Sore-Up!"

"Creepypasta Sonic" Comic

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #HushNHustle #Horror #WIP #Fanart #Art

in my hoax inventing era

lol this game will get updated soon

Toy Yoshi & Taingle Redesign My AU

What if Salvage Sonic looked more like 2011X?

Putting the game on hold for now. Why? Well, I got a lot going on life to deal with so yeah, sorry about that. It won't go anywhere ofc so don't worry about that.