All Posts in Friday Night Funkin' x Pibby Corrupted

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Rฬถฬกฬอฬฬฬแบฝฬถอฬฬฒฬฅอฬอรคฬตฬฉฬฑอฬฬฬอฬฬฬlฬถออฬอฬฬ mฬธอฬศงฬถฬฝฬtฬทuฬธฬอฬฬออ ศฬทฬอฬฃอฬeฬธฬผออฬ ฬ bฬทrฬธฬฬออแบซฬดฬฉฬซฬฬฬชฬฃฬฬฬฬdฬธฬฬซฬณฬปฬผออฬฬฬอlฬทฬนฬฎeฬดฬฬ ฬฐฬอฬอแบฬทฬปฬฎฬฃฬฎฬฬออ [put in the comments what character you wanna see next]
Btw y'all big news my new up coming fnf x pibby collab song is almost done!!!!! It's coming soon
-art: 80%-
-thumbnail: 0%-
-song: ???%-
-Voice lines: 50%-
-????: ???%-
Song will be on my official YouTube channel see you then! ^^

Holy fucking shit this song goes waaaaaaaaaay to hard then it needs to๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ