Collaborations in Game Jolt Sticker Lab

Share your creations!

Use this channel to post about sticker collaboration projects!

RUS: ВСЁ! Абсолютно ВСЕ лимитированные стикеры из War Thunder и The Knightling успешно мною замастерованы!
ENG: ALL! Absolutely ALL of the limited edition stickers from War Thunder and The Knightling have been successfully masticated by me!

FR: Avec les autocollants chargés que vous mettez sur mes publications, j'ai acheté son jeu. Achetez-le aussi ! :D
EN: With charged stickers you place on my posts, I bought his game. Go buy it too ! :D
=> @wenudu

Tomorrow's the last day these stickers will be around!
Get them by placing charged stickers in either @SmudgedVolt 's or my posts!!

After a month of keeping things a secret, I'm happy to announce the launch of 8 new stickers made by Prima and I!
Collect them while you can!!