Random (Post Whatever) in GhostlyTheMan's Place of Tomfoolery and Shenanigans

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We are incredibly close what the hell

I've never done this but

Hot take:

Why on yt are web series just getting worse? Like don't get me wrong - some of them are great, but I don't think we'll ever get something like Murder Drones again.

Was taking a walk through a town near me. It's really pretty. Here's some cool photos I snapped (I know how refreshing it is to see me use a different post background)

Got in hot🔥🔥🔥(90% sure that's the first time. And yes, I know, it's when you get your game followed alot in a certain period of time)

Anyone know how to make an alt account? I know it's not technically allowed but does anyone know how to do it?