general in Gogo Game Dev

So, it's been a while.
I haven't touched game jolt for a while, I moved on to sidequest. (Mostly) And was experimenting with VR games.
But once in a while, I'll get an email about someone commenting on my Baldi's Basics menu mod. and look at what I made.

What is happening with games I am making (Sushi game, Stick Brawl):
Sushi game is on a pause (for now)
Stick Brawl is getting bug fixes and new additions
I also have 2 other game ideas that I haven't started yet
+ a vr game!
I finally know what the next update should be! Hold on to your seats, because this one is gonna be bigger than the last one! I feel like adding a new loading screen, changing the entire start area, and adding shop compatibility!
I think I finally have an idea for what I should do for a YouTube video! Since I haven't set my channel to be a gamedev or a gaming channel... I just might do both! (Maby I won't be doing a lot of gamedev videos, because it might spoil surprises...
If any of you are wondering why there is no news in the past 4 days? I just don't have too much time for game creating. I do have time next week! also I have a game idea that you are trapped in a room and the character is the cursor! no-more-room-for-text