Updates(Development and stuff) in The Sonic.EXE (Reboot) Community

this will be fun...

Made a true form for the antagonist of the game, and I call it "The Manulating Beast", An unidentifiable entity that just came from a bootleg pc sonic game.
I was planning on adding a knuckles cutscenes to the demo, but I think it might be better if you see tails' cutscenes only.
But safe to say..

Finished adding the flowers for the stage. Now I must work on the cutscenes, then work on scrap brain (knuckles stage), and once that's done, I can add the finishing touches. And reveal the release date of the demo.

I was thinking up some ideas for this game. There might a little fnaf in these concepts

Wanted to show you a little teaser, i think the demo is almost complete. Just need to finish the first 2 stages and end of demo screen.