game_development in Indie Game Community

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Trying to make a balanced bullet dispersion with Geogebra


Here's a quick look at something I just finished. This is the Intro and Title screens for my game, with sound.

What do you think... Keep it or Redo?

  2 votes Voting finished

Devlog #2

I added moss, enhanced the visual aspects of animals and grass. I'm not sure if it's well-optimized, but I'm putting in effort. I focused on adding hills where you can appreciate the landscape.

Goodbye GameJolt

Thanks for the atettion you give me :)


Fine-tuning and improving the popular swap mechanics to diversify the gameplay and make it more interesting for players

#twilightwars #indiegames #gamedev #dungeoncrawler #turnbased


Hi, 2 years ago I said I was kinda making 3D.

It seems I made it lol. My game is 2D, but, well, I didn't mention it, but my game is supposed to be a bit "weirdcore-ish", so this simple 3D would be neat.

(Looks horrible, but I'm just testing it currently)

Переделали концепт ГГ под игровой спрайт, думаю на первую бету даже пойдет, буду дорабатывать, так что все зависит только от вашей поддержки.
Подпишись пж  ☹ヘ☹

Хей! приятели, тут такое дело, разработка игры продвигается полным ходом, и наш звуковик, создал самый размеренный шедевр ;) Перейди на страницу игры, и послушай!
Буду не против, если подпишитесь.



It seems I forgot to add some parallax mapping when I declared the mapping system was done a few days ago.

Anyway, I've just fixed it.

The video is just test. You can add as much layers as your CPU can.

#gamedev #game #rpg #pixel #pixelart