suggestions in Five Nights with Mac Tonight Series (Official)

Finally Confirmed Five Nights With Mac Tonight Speaker Is now considered as a New Mechanic In Some Cameras In “OUUCN” and Five Nights At Treasure Island Shut Off a Camera Can be More Usable In Many Cameras In Different Floors!!!

so i want to say to you @Malrat_ that in some game's neeed buff's and nerf's to be it was more possible to beat like in first game original and halloween edition was a nerf of to be like mac tonight mayor chesse and ronald give player more time to react

In this image, Topher Grace is the way Chris (Walker) would be in real life. For me, Topher Grace would be the main actor who could play him in the film of our FNwMT saga. Even the outfit he's wearing resembles the one Chris wears as a McDonald's manager.
Which of the last names below match Chris' name the most?
People help it won't let me download Five night with Mac tonight for android it says "you want to download an update" what does it mean