ANYTHING!!! in Memes
Um…can I join?
Also why is strong bad and heavy playing poker, I want in now!
I played chapter 1 last week, and this week I’m playing chapter 2: Streaming Deltarune on Twitch today at 1:00 PM Mountain Time
Let's go
First time I got the trophy in like 3-4 months :)
Just realised I have over 1000 likes
Thanks guys 👍
As a reward...
First guy to comment what my 3rd post was about gets to have their wish granted...
Within reason...
You know you did something wrong when the Python script says the Hubble constant you calculated is 62 km/s/Mpc when everyone knows it's about 70...
Hey I’m working on the instructions for the tf2 brickheads and I’ll be selling instructions on patreon soon, I’m checking if all the part are possible and if they’re colors exist as well.
Anyway stay tuned for more updates.
Sorry people for not posting a lot recently, been busy with a Programming Assignment at Uni. Figuring out the Hubble Constant using IRL galaxy data on Python. Will be done on Friday though :)
Here's a screenshot for a CTB teaser for now