Play with Percy Poodle!


The Future of Playtime with Percy [10/13/24]

One year later...

// Nightmare Pal //
(Inspired by the "Tiger I saw on my dreams" tweet/drawing)

Cue the fanfare

If you guys want more content while the team and I make something for the 1 year birthday of Playtime with Percy, the page for a super cool fangame made by @PSIAlfur just released! Check it out if you're interested: https://gamejolt.com/games/thepalresolve/894807

Here is the Little Sequence that would happen in Percy's Best Friend that was listed in the Update Logs, tried getting a longer ver but either I stalled and Died or went to fast and beat the night
Patch 1.9.6 | The "SUN SETTING" Update
Please update your version of the game to this one! Thank you! (CHANGELOG BELOW)

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

Welcome to the Playtime with Percy community on Game Jolt!
Playtime with Percy is a #fnaf inspired horror game with the primary gameplay structure being based around The Pal Percy; a Tamagotchi-like toy. With the core gameplay loop being “Tasked Based / End at Your Own Pace” instead of the classic “Survive from 12AM to 6AM”.
Please keep all topics in the right chats. Thank you.