general in RPG Maker

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"Anyone got some spare change "

Although Items in YARPGMG might look expensive, there will be a quick and easy way to get money, although that is still in the works for now

#rpg #rpgmaker #rpgmakermz #indie #game #indiegame

#gamedev #indiegamedev

La noche nevada se aproxima....

(teaser para algo futuro del juego...)

Meet the Character: Jishhji!

#art #characters #untitlednote

Who wants the "Mobius Strip" in the Upcoming Game?

Gearing up to the Steam release, I've updated the build available here to the present version. Check out the patch notes from the menu for a full list of changes. New weapons, new animations, lighting updates, updated battle system, and more!

The premiere starts in 15 minutes!


Adding Chewed Gum Flavor.

Why? because this could be a cool idea for the game.

You would not expect me do to this to a Title Image in RPG Maker MV, but by the Image of the Post...


It's approaching !

The premiere of #KnightLegacy is dropping tomorrow !
How about knowing the story of Jason Robert Philips? A man who becomes a great survivor of a macabre plan of world domination and destruction.