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Ok guys
If Boiboi wins Gamejolt GOTY
then it'll make Boiboi 37: return of the dorbiuses
Spread the word with this hastag!1!11!: #Boiboisweep

I've been remaking the original end credit art but with shading! here's the first one. do you like it?

I'm proud to announce that I've made an offical SBB community! I'm not exactly done with it yet, but It be nice if you joined!
Welcome to the Super Boiboi community on Game Jolt!

Uh oh! Boiboi is trying to win over this pretty girl named Girlgirl, but when he flies her in his super cool UFO with this friend spike, he's shot down and lands in on a mysterious planet.
When they come to, Boiboi and Spike realized that Girlgirl has been kidnapped, and set out to find her. Control Boiboi as he trenches across 4 different levels, meeting friends along the way, many, MANY people and robots alike trying to kill him, and more.
(most) of the channel art is made by the curators at the SBB studio over on scratch