Music in The Mega Nerd Community

Share your creations!

GRAVITY MAN STAGE [Namco System 2 - Arrangement]

Master Boot Record released their new album yesterday, absolutely loving it so far. Another banger from the most mysterious chip-metal band!
Official Release:

wasted like a solid hour writing a breakcore song wip using samples from Super Mario World.
I regret nothing whatsoever.
might finish this eventually

Made a new song! This one is called Taking It Personal, made using Little Sound DJ on real Gameboy hardware!
Created for the Summer Chip XIV contest on Battle Of The Bits. I would appreciate if you vote for it! (Link in article)

“What if we did a breakdown?”
Work continues on my first big LSDJ track, a cover of one of my previous songs!

People: The Gameboy is an old video game console, it can’t make any sound but beeps and boops.
Me, an intellectual:
(Been messing with Little Sound DJ lately! Making music on real hardware is challenging but super fun!)

Another rando wip.
Using Thunder Force IV instruments I borrowed from a friend. Will be finished at some point!
Also if you’re wondering why the world (or at least Furnace here) looks red, it’s because I changed my UI colors a bit out of boredom.

New song! This was an entry I made to Battle of the Bits Spring Tracks XIII.
Vote for the track here:…

Duel Of The Rising Sun [Gameboy+YM1612+Generic PCM]
Track I made for Battle of the Bits Spring Tracks XIII. Figured I’d share it now that the contest is over.Vote for the track + download here: https://battleo...

New upload!
Did a YM2612 cover of Drill Man’s theme from Mega Man 4. FM is fun, I’m gonna try to use it more often!

Drill Man [YM2612]
finally doing fm stuff.felt like it needed an rrthiel-style thumbnail so i did it because yeah why notdownload:

I remixed the MMU boss theme

(Mega man Unlimited) Masters of Chaos Soundtrap remix
#music #megaman Recreated by ear so, some part's may not sound the same as the originalfollow me on gamejolt