Projects/Games in The Mega Nerd Community

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I got the attacking settled (for now)

It needs a lot more work though

Finally finished! My first level in Lunar Magic, and my first-ever SMW hack, Kaboom Plateau!

Really enjoyed the workflow of making a Mario level, will totally make more in the future! Stay tuned…

Download in article.


(Day old footage moment) Mason’s got his animations now and I’ve added a background (which still needs a bit more work)

I’ll be doing some more animating for his attacks and his new walkcycle


Haven't posted one of these lately, sooo

BOOM, DEVLOG (Read article for more info)

hey radiant fans!

we've created a Discord server for those who want to keep up with the game/chat with the devs. most updates will probably be handled there from now on, but obviously it'll stay on gamejolt for releases and stuff!