General in Twisted Tales Studios

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This is the closest to Gamedev I will (probably) ever get to lol
Quick Question; Are my Posts showing up normally?
I am asking to be sure.

I guess its another #spawnday for me.
Thank you for everyone that followed me and supported me, and uh.. well; Thanks.
Happy End of Pride Month everybody, it was fun while It lasted.
Sad I wasnt able to bring myself to do any Art or so related to it, but hey! Least we all had our Time...
Like a Wise Bread once said:
"The most Dangerous Enemies are those, that dont need Hope." -Bernd
So April 1st comes and goes...
Honestly I didnt had any cool Ideas, but I hope it was still a fun day lol

Guys, I have made a Mindblowing (For me at least) Discovery. The Titan Image in this Thumbnail IS MINE, I made that Titan Sprite.
Look at the comparision, you will see it.
From this Video:

What Are Your Deltarune Ch. 3 Theories?
Let's see what you theorist have come up with![MUSIC]*Toby Fox- When I Get Happy I Dance Like This:*Toby Fox...
Honestly People saying a Anthropomorphic or Humanoid Animal / WereWolf / ETC Is a Furry is kinda... Missleading.
Furries are People that LIKE Anthro-Animals in general, NOT People that are Anthro-Animals.
Its often a Joke, but still lol.
I wish you all a Happy new Year Folks!
I also wish @Mike-TV good luck for the New Year.
And I hope next Year will be better, for all of us.