General in The GUESTAVERSE

Share your creations!

Robby and the crew enjoying a movie night!

I always did like musicals

Today is the day everyone!

The 1 year anniversary of Copys Quest is today!

Read the article below for more information

Here's some art of my favorite starter and Pokemon, Mudkip!

(Also hot take here, Mudkip is not only the best water starter gamefreak made but also the best starter there is)


Hey so is it okay if I go and stop posting about my game creation for a few weeks?

No real reason, just a surprise

You know what? Screw a deadline, all my homies hate deadlines.

Clicking the link above will lead to my newest game TRIBAL and its 2 chapter demo, leave a review if you can!

Big announcement below!

Bring up subj3ct files?



Bringing up f1les

access granted!

Can you believe that Copys Quest is almost a year old?

I will be publishing an anniversary DLC for the original Copys quest and to be honest its more of a walking and talking chapter then an RPG, so don`t complain when it comes out and its boring.

Hey its me theguestcreator again, and I need help from you!

So I have problem with the main characters of my game, and I need help from people to improve on those character okay?

I will give you their name, desc, and problem.

Suggest anything to them!

Hello everybody!

The fourth chapter of the trials of fate is here!

Go back to the past all the way to the 70s to understand the mystery of one of our most recent characters, Charles.

Please rate it if you can!