releases in RPG Maker Hub

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CHAPTER 0 IS OUT NOW!!! There may be bugs but we did as much testing as possible but there might still be bugs. It kinda sucks but it's just the prelude, the main game will be much better I SWEAR!!!

Fear & Hunger fangame
got brand new DLC+ "Return of Elsagate"
Will you be brave enough to delve into the insane depths and stop corruption before it's too late??
Download for FREE:
with this code: H¤RRΦR§AB¤V♦CO∞Ω

I made this map with markings and animation for RPGMV for $3 at .

Greetings all! I've been able to recover the files for my first game made on RPG Maker, all the way back in 2018 - Requiem Souls! It's way more generic than my other stuff but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless - pure early NineSoulsSea jank!

Hey hey ! I am made a game! Kolin the skeleton waits for you play it!