general in The MorsStudios community

Death cannot safe you…

Pretty much sorry for not posting any post but I am mad that many people are unfollowing me I was at 215 (i guess) then after two days I got 209 then a new follower then an unfollower and I found that 2 of them were some people I follow soo (article)

A Interview/Q&A with MorsStudios Founder/ceo Leon
In the comments you can ask everything and I will answer them in an video(animation) soooo yea if you want to know something write it in the comments

Question to my Russian followers or more like any Russian
Do you guys have any other pay method due to PayPal not working?
Because for me it’s really sad that they can’t commit just because of PayPal
We mad a new offer in the commission section of models. If your interested take a look at it:…