Finished in Unreal Engine

馬小屋ねる子@レトロゲームVTuber plays Write`N`Fignt

Write`N`Fight fighting game. Dickens' new skill

Amazing Character fanart Write`N`Fight by 焼鉄色.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa and Ernest Miller Hemingway.

A digital copy of myself - made with a 3D scan and Unreal Engine 5 Metahuman
#indiegamedev #unrealengine5 #metahuman

- Game options are now always saved properly
- Moving characters are now stopping after being freezed by LatinAuthor's skill
- No more giant blocking Shakespeare
- AI shouldn't freeze after being knocked down now
- Even faster loading,better performance
kamoihito plays Write`N`Fight fighting game

Write`N`Fight fighting game at the Steam Indie Fighting Game Fest Apr13-17
DBFZ World champion CAG / GO1 (Pro fighting gamer for CYCLOPS, Osaka) plays Write`N`Fight fighting game

So I rendered Level Fun from the Backrooms.
Unreal Engine 4 (Putting stuff together and lighting and rendering)
Blender (Modelling each individual object)