All Posts in Your undertale AUs

Tell us more about your own AUs

We've recently lost a couple of members and are looking for some replacements!

We are looking for any possible position that you can think of.

If you are interested please check out our brand new remade hiring form:…

Our two pals Scott and Grover (The Ruffians) look a bit more accurate!

I did want to make a quick road map announcement for each future build!

!Read Below!

My UF!Napstablook Take Battle Sprite

Me and my pal @InTheDark have launched a community page for Shifted Reality!

Feel free to post fanart, questions, or anything related to SR here:

Don't think I forgot!

Time for the monthly discord reminder!

Now at 60 members! You could be the 61st!

It's also a great way to ask me and my team questions about stuff.

Apparently Shifted Reality is getting unofficial android ports of demo 1 without my permission!

I want to address to you guys that you should be careful! They could be viruses.

If there was an official Android version I would tell you!

Kindness in Violet Grove!

Here's a ghostly version of what Cody would look like in Shifted Reality hanging out with Snitch (Freshed up the shade of Snitch a bit).

Possible rare fun event!

It's Out Everyone!

Special thanks to the legendary UrbanRoast for the VA'ing of Metta.

(Quick edit! There is a little sneaky blurred out suprise at the end of the video for the upcoming collab special coming out later this year)

Ask Metta Anything [AMA EVENT], Shifted Reality First Anniversary Special
Thank you all for the constant support for Shifted Reality! It's been a hell of a year working on thus amazing project and there's many more years of greatne...

Fellbelow: An Underfell Take