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Весь ободранный, порванный, сломанный.

Но, не кошмарный.


Hi guys!!!

Various other Spinswap concepts. Wanted to get out of a slump relating to AF so why not


Tales Of Kindness page is up now.

Go give it a follow my friends.

I'm actually going to open up a new gamepage for a Soul Prequel Inverted Fate styled Comic Series for the Green Soul!

This won't be a game.

But it's something I want to work on by the side of Shifted Reality as I love working on multiple projects.

My UF!Napstablook Take Battle Sprite

Fellbelow: An Underfell Take

Fellbelow: An Underfell Take

(Work In Progress)

The new animated OST of phase 1 is now available!

[SwapFell: Last Death] Reloaded Phase 1: Tired Of Betrayal (The Laid-back Is Over IV) | Animated OST
I'm back xD 2 videos in a row in a yearThis is one of many videos that I will upload, this took mainly due to study issues. I will upload phase 2 soon (when ...