memes in Untitled Invader's Community

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This took way too long to make. Please use subtitles for the best experience for this Neptunia Google Translate video.

(Subtitles!) HyperDimension Neptunia Characters - Google Translated Edition 1
Character List-NeptuneBlancNoireVertUzume TennouboshiKurome AnkokuboshiUmioNepgearUniRomRamIFCompaPlutiaHistoireCroireAdult NeptunePeashy (Originally Transla...

I've made this over 1,5 years ago

My meme based on the question from RTX off conference when one guy from Steel Wool said how big Security Breach will be in comparison with Help Wanted.

I turned myself into a convertible.

Note: that's not how my room looks like, m'kay?