What ya got there, Pal?
Demo 3.0 is DELAYED
BUT (Read Article)

Teaser Trailer

"Get Out Of My Car Please."
Welcome! This is a Community of a LONG saga of a Fnati Parody fnaf fangame called "Welcome to Gabe's."
The game was originally made by an account called BlueTigerGames, which was @Blue_629 on Scratch at the time as an original fangame, until BlueTigerGames had the Idea to get inspired a lot off of FNaTI (Thus, the 1st game was made after its beta stages.) And then a 2nd Installment that was a FNaTI 2: LTSB Parody, until it was canceled as BlueTigerGames realized he was taking too much from FNaTI, so, in hopes of saving the series from unoriginality, he got started on 1.5. A completely original fangame that added a LOT more to the table, new mechanics, new characters, a completely different plot. Until the game was also canceled due to lack of motivation and just wanting to move on with other projects. So BlueTigerGames tried making Treasure Island: Underground to continue his legacy, but he could not keep running from his past, and also not wanting this series to be left in a canned mess with only a few fangames keeping it on life-support. (WTG 2 Revival, FA, THC, WCHB, Etc.) So, he put the game on hold along with his side game "JOLLY Tapes," and got to work.
Right Now, WTG: Trick or Treat has been finished, which was the first step of the plan complete.
Any help with future Fangames like the Paradox Series (As the original dev also became an official dev in his own fan-series, funny huh?) that is needed will be given.
And lastly, Welcome to Gabe's: Classic Remaster, a full original revival of the 1st game that is completely different from its past clone.
After Welcome to Gabe's: Classic Remaster is complete, Treasure Island Underground will start its proper development and not stop until its complete, next, Jolly Tapes will be Finished, then, Tubbyland: Project ORIGINAL will be started and finished, and lastly, a paradox game called WTG: Nightfall and a full rewritten WTG Saga will be started and finished. That is all for now.