general in Animal Crossing

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This game is very good and very similar to the classic old Animal Crossing but with an AI system so you have more dialogue options with the other characters in the game, it is from PC Steam made in "UNITY" but even so it is beautiful and a brilliant game

What's everybody's favorite Animal Crossing character?

Nintendo has released a $100 alarm clock.

5 different game themes are included at launch, with additional free DLC themes still to come.

Nintendo also promises you a bad time if you don't wake up fast enough.

Γ‰toile, what the hell do you think you are going to catch?


My favourite game series is Animal Crossing.

Probably everyone and their grandparents (Hi, grandparents! ) expected me to say this.


GJ, puh-lease, there are so many game OSTs I love equally.

I have a real soft spot for the original Animal Crossing OST, though. Would love to learn how to make music like that one day...

do you guys want another animal crossing game?

I'm not going to explain these

this was the first animal crossing i had when i had my nintendo 3DS, it was pretty cool, not many coins tho haha.

i like so much animal crossing

The Pochacco outfit