discussion in Animal Crossing

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Welcome to Animal Crossing: Blossom Reef!

"Looks like someone's on their way here..."

New project reveal very soon...

#GJAsks what video game world would i live in?

Pokémon... i want to live with pets that can understand me & be big enough for me to hug them & them being able to hug me back...

Animal Crossing would be nice too... someone to talk to... easy friendships...

ACNH needs an update where we can get bracelets.

I think those would be very cute.

I also think tattoos would be something cool to add with the mirror/vanity

Like small shoulder graphics. I'm pretty sure they'd look hella goofy with full sleeves tho.

Why does Nintendo keep bringing up Animal Crossing lately? Are they trying to sell all the remaining physical copies knowing full well they have a new one in the works, or what? LOL My heart can't take it. Every time I see the logo, I'm like ! Oh...