All Traditional Art in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

Bro can’t frown💀

YESSS OMG. SO HAPPY WITH THESE CONCEPTS. doing BIGGG things with these guys. very much mockup sheet though.


(if interested, please check article)

it's my birthday today have evil mickey or whatever

Gloria sketch (can't do full drawing cuz CPS)

WASD somehow managed to find dynamite despite not being allowed anywhere near explosives.

Also, chat should I put warnings for severed body parts on drawings that have Tele and/or WASD in them?

  4 votes Voting finished

more school doodles

Charles Lawrence Vermin

and Dex.

(Characters by @FunnyFrendo34 )

Finished Gackpo and Gumi today and here are all three together