gameplay in Beat em ups
Testing Rhassoul the Katana short chain combo…Supajutsu 0.4.6
Join Discord for bts look on SUPAJUTSU and more!
0.3.8 has a few bugs but is playable. Leave a comment to make 0.3.8 Live, have suggestions, or join discord. If I don’t have an offline demo by August I’ll be upset with myself
You're gonna wanna try out the latest update! #cyberpunk #retro #satire #brawler #hacknslash #boomershooter #scifi #80s #90s #comedy #gore #violent #bossfight
Sorry for the radio silence, progress IS being made! #fps #gore #retro #scifi #action #hacknslash #boomershooter
Finished up a couple of new death animations! #retro #beatemup #cyberpunk #gore #violent #fps #hacknslash #brawler
Chandelier kills coming soon! #retro #cyberpunk #beatemup #immersivesim #fps #fighting #ninja #gore #violent
Here's a peak at a level I'm working on! #cyberpunk #beatemup #gore #gory #scifi #fps #retro